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WhatsCleaner for ChatApp - image video g





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本


WhatsCleaner for ChatApp - image video gif voice(圖1)-速報App

WhatsCleaner for ChatApp never read your ChatApp messages. Cleaner for ChatApp is the best tool to clean, boost and manage the images, videos, gifs, voices and other media files of ChatApp. It helps save storage space and speed up your android device. Everyone use ChatApp to send images, videos, gifs, audios, photos and other files, ChatApp saves a copy in the media folder and it will becomes so huge that your device ran out of memory. Cleaner for ChatApp resolve this problem perfectly. You don’t need to select files manually, you can delete your files or folders on just one tap. Cleaner for ChatApp will clean your device of all space consuming ChatApp files. You can browse and manage all Images, Videos, Gifs, Audios and other files of ChatApp in one place. Cleaner for ChatApp will allow you to keep your device fresh, fast and clean by either doing a manually select the unwanted files or delete everything with just one tap!

WhatsCleaner for ChatApp - image video gif voice(圖2)-速報App

WhatsCleaner for ChatApp - image video gif voice(圖3)-速報App

WhatsCleaner for ChatApp - image video gif voice(圖4)-速報App

WhatsCleaner for ChatApp - image video gif voice(圖5)-速報App